Tarot Card Reading

Tarot reading, also known as cartomancy, is the practice of asking the cards questions to gain insight into past, present, and future events. Some people believe that they are being led by a spiritual force, while others believe that the cards help them use their own creative and conceptualizing subconscious as well as their cumulative subconscious.

Using my own inventiveness, I use the supernatural God's gifts; I gain knowledge of the past, the present, and the future..

Are you curious about Tarot Cards?

The majority of people associate the term "tarot card reading" with a woman in flowing robes predicting impending doom while leaning over a small table in a room lit by candles. Additionally, some people mistakenly and ignorantly associate reading the Tarot with demon worship and black magic. That is a ludicrous belief that is actually far from the truth. A reading of the Tarot is like getting a snapshot of your life at the time of the reading. The cards interpret your energy—the energy of the person who is asking the question—to reveal hidden influences, behavior patterns, challenges, and strengths. You can get a sense of where you are now, where you've come from, where you want to be, and how to get there from a reading. The Tarot does not foretell the future, but it does suggest what you should do and what might happen if you do them. The future is neither fixed nor immutable. Every moment of your life, whether you are aware of it or not, you make choices and decisions.

In most cases, the purpose of the Tarot cards is to provide direction and, as shamans like to say, "medicine" for what is occurring in your own personal orbit: love, wealth, career, objectives, and a general course of life

Can you read tarot cards yourself?

Yes, absolutely! You can learn to read in just a few days with my guidance!